8 Best Yoga Poses for Beginners to Lose Weight

By Jola @YolaYoga | January 30, 2023

Have you been trying to lose weight, but feel like you’re stuck? Consider yoga as your ally! Because yoga can be an effective way to reach your weight loss goals. With the right yoga poses, you can burn calories, strengthen your body and build muscle. In this post, we’ll explore 8 yoga poses that are perfect for yoga beginners who want to start losing weight.

Article Outline:

  1. Yoga Practice for Weight Loss
  2. Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
  3. Importance of Combining Yoga with other Practices
  4. Conclusion

Yoga Practice for Weight Loss

Yoga is an excellent tool to help you on your journey to lose weight, as it can provide powerful benefits that you won’t get from other types of workouts. It increases flexibility, helps with relaxation, and boosts your metabolism. Additionally, yoga can help you to connect with yourself and build a stronger relationship between your mind and body.

It is important to remember that Yoga practice is not just physical stretches. Yoga also includes breathing exercises (pranayama), relaxation, and meditation. The practice works on many levels: physical, mental, and spiritual, and when repeated every day, it transforms the body and mind.

It is important to focus on your breathing while doing yoga. Focusing on your breath can help you stay present in the moment and keep your mind centered. Additionally, proper breathing techniques during yoga can also help you to maximize oxygen flow and burn more calories.

With keeping that in mind let’s explore now the best yoga poses for weight loss.

Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Warrior I – Virabhadrasana I

Warrior 1

Warrior I pose is a simple but powerful yoga pose that is great for weight loss. This pose helps to build strength in your hips, thighs, and legs while at the same time stimulating your digestion and increasing your metabolism, leading to quicker weight loss. Warrior I pose also helps to open up the chest and improve posture, both of which are essential when it comes to maintaining healthy body weight. Additionally, this pose helps to increase energy levels by stretching and expanding the lungs, helping you feel more energetic throughout the day and encouraging additional movement. All of these factors combined make Warrior I an excellent Yoga pose for weight loss.

How to do Warrior I

To do Warrior I, start by positioning your feet hip-width apart with your arms extended out front in a T shape. Next, step your left foot back approximately 4 to 5 feet while bending your right knee to a 90-degree angle. Once you are stable, continue to balance yourself while bringing your arms overhead. Hold this position for 30 seconds and breathe mindfully throughout the posture; then repeat on the other side. With regular practice of Warrior I pose, you will be well on your way to achieving optimal health in no time!

Warrior I Modifications for Beginners

For beginners just starting out with the Yoga practice, there are a few modifications that can help make this Yoga pose much more accessible. Placing blocks underneath both hands as you drop into the lunge helps stretch and engage the hips even further. Additionally, standing with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart gives extra stability to support your balance as you hold the pose for a few breaths. With subtle changes like these, Warrior I can be an incredibly powerful weight-loss Yoga post if practiced on a regular basis!

Warrior II – Virabhadrasana II

Warrior II

Warrior II, or Virabhadrasana II, is an excellent yoga pose for weight loss. This pose strengthens both the arms and legs while relying heavily on one’s core strength, as well as stretching the chest muscles. The posture also helps with focus and balance, providing a calming workout session that is sure to give anyone who practices it meaningful results in their weight loss journey. Warrior II engages muscles from the ground up, making it an incredibly efficient approach in developing muscle tone and burning calories to achieve realistic weight loss goals.

How to do Warrior II

To get into position, first, stand in front of your mat. Then take a step with your right foot back as wide as you can while keeping your toes pointing forward. Bend the right knee so that it’s parallel with the ground while simultaneously raising your arms up so they’re parallel with the ground as well. Make sure to keep your chest broad and open and stare at one point ahead of you to maintain perfect posture. Warrior II is the perfect Yoga pose for activating leg muscles, toning abs and thighs, building strength, and hopefully finding greater focus in life.

Warrior II Modifications for Beginners

Beginners can modify the pose to fit their current level of experience and fitness. For instance, you can start with the basic warrior stance: feet are widened apart, arms are outstretched parallel to the ground, and you slowly bend your front knee while keeping your back leg straight. To deepen the stretch and make it easier on your front knee, you can slowly place your hands together in prayer position or on a block. Additionally, utilizing a yoga strap around your back foot can help keep your legs straight as you bend down. This will also assist in getting a deeper stretch in the hip flexors of your rear leg. With some practice and persistence, this classic yoga pose will soon be part of your practice.

Extended Side Angle – Parsvakonasana

Extended Side Angle

One of the best yoga poses for achieving a successful and healthy weight loss journey is Extended Side Angle – Parsvakonasana. This pose requires a strong core as you reach your right arm over your head while stretching and strengthening. Through regular practice of this Yoga Asana, your waist will begin to slim down and tone up. On top of that, Extended Side Angle helps you strengthen inner thighs and open the sides of the ribcage, allowing more freedom in the breath patterns. Add this Yoga pose to your daily health routine for holistic body health and lasting weight wellness results!

How to do Extended Side Angle

Starting from the previous pose (Warrior II) reach your front arm forward and place the elbow on the bended knee or place your hand on the outside of the front foot for a more intense stretch. Turn your top palm toward the front of the room and reach it forward alongside your ear. Open the chest towards the sidewall and look up. Hold for 10 breaths and switch the sides.

Extended Side Angle Modifications for Beginners

For beginners, modifications that will make the posture more accessible while still providing its full benefits include widening the stance of the feet, bending both knees until the right leg is almost parallel to the floor, keeping a slight bend in the left knee, and making sure to relax the shoulders as well as lengthening the torso. Also placing your lower palm on the block is very helpful for beginners.

Half Moon – Ardha Chandrasana

Half Moon Pose

Half-Moon or Ardha Chandrasana Yoga pose is an effective tool for weight loss. It is one of the most efficient poses to target and reduce body fat, strengthen the core muscles, improve posture and balance, enhance mental strength, and promote overall physical well-being. Moreover, it helps to activate many muscle groups at once which boosts metabolism and burns calories quickly. As its name suggests, when practicing this pose one takes a position resembling a half-moon while keeping their feet firmly grounded. The asana focuses on stretching many parts of the body including hips, legs, back torso, and arms thus leading to increased flexibility along with helping to shed extra pounds. Furthermore, it promotes detoxing by increasing blood flow and opens up the chest region aiding in better breathing thereby improving overall fitness.

How to do Half-Moon Pose

Start with standing straight with feet slightly apart. Then raise your arms out to the side with palms facing down so they are parallel to the floor. Take a deep inhale and as you exhale, simultaneously move your arms and torso to one side while your legs move in the opposite direction until they’re aligned making an approximately 90-degree angle with your torso. Be sure to keep both arms and hips parallel to the floor. This Yoga Pose works on abdominal muscles, burns calories, and tones the entire body when held for 3 minutes or more. With the help of Half Moon Yoga pose, a leaner waistline and improved posture can be achieved!

Half Moon Pose Modifications for Beginners

Because it is a challenging pose it may be intimidating for beginners, however, modifications can be made to make the pose achievable with practice. Yoga practitioners who want to practice Half Moon without straining their body can try doing the Triangle Pose, another standing yoga pose. This will help to develop the flexibility and strength needed to progress onto slow execution of the Half Moon Pose over time. It is important to go slowly and pay special attention when transitioning between poses so you can move easily and safely into the Half Moon Pose. As you become more comfortable with the required posture, your ability to achieve them correctly will also increase.

Warior III – Virabhadrasana III 

Warrior III

Warrior III Pose is a fantastic way to incorporate weight loss into your yoga practice. By concentrating on keeping your core engaged as you move through the pose, it works deep muscles in your body and helps to melt away extra inches and improve overall balance. This basic standing posture builds strength in the abdomen, legs, upper back, shoulders, and hips while stretching the chest and hamstrings at the same time. It also improves digestion, increases circulation throughout the body, and relieves stress while burning calories. All in all, Warrior III is a simple yet effective way of incorporating weight loss through Yoga into one’s life.

How to do Warrior III

Start standing with your feet together and your arms by your sides. Step one foot back into a lunge position with the leg bent and parallel to the ground, keeping both legs straight. Lift up onto the ball of your back foot while maintaining balance and reach towards the sky with your arms, lengthening your spine along its full length. Your head should look down at the floor and you’ll be in the shape of an “A” frame. Hold this pose for around 30 seconds before repeating on the opposite side, focusing on remaining balanced while engaging your core muscles. Not only will Warrior III help you burn calories quickly, it’s a dynamic balancing exercise that improves coordination, stability, flexibility and strength.

Warrior III Modifications for Beginners

Warrior III is an excellent Yoga pose for weight loss, as it engages the core muscles and helps burn calories. However, if you are a Yoga beginner looking to reap the benefits of Warrior III pose, it can be helpful to have some modifications. Taking a wider-than-normal standing position and gently leaning forward instead of lunging down may help to make the pose easier for beginners. Placing your hands on your thighs vs trying to reach forward can help you maintain balance while still helping to stretch your back and legs. Additionally, placing a Yoga block beneath your head can also provide more support while allowing you to open up more in the upper body. With these modifications in place, beginners can experience the fullness of this Yoga pose’s benefits!

Chair  Utkatasana

Chair Pose

Chair pose, otherwise known by its Sanskrit term Utkatasana, is an incredibly effective Yoga pose for weight loss. While it may look like a sitting position, Utkatasana actually works the legs and core muscles to an intense degree – all while also burning calories and turning your body into a fat-burning machine! This Yoga pose is fantastic for even total beginners, giving them an easy yet powerful way to start their Yoga or weight loss journey. Regular practice of Utkatasana will soon have you seeing positive changes in terms of your health and physical appearance.

How to do

It can be done easily by first standing with your feet together and your hands loosely overhead. Next, you should inhale deeply as you lower your hips into a squatting position so that your thighs are parallel to your body. Make sure that your back is straight as you inhale and exhale in this position for up to 10 counts before returning to standing. Once finished, this Yoga pose will help strengthen the legs while burning calories at the same time!

Modifications for beginners

Chair Pose, may seem daunting to beginners who are not accustomed to its intensity; however, there are several modifications that can help make this posture more accessible. Lowering the hands and raising the heels off the floor can provide a more manageable base of support. By concentrating on an upright posture while maintaining slow and steady breathing through the entire pose, it becomes easier to stay in the pose for an extended period of time. Pushing into the arms with an active back will provide strength and tone throughout various muscles of the body. Performing consistent Chair Pose modifications can help beginners reap the benefits of enhanced physical balance while establishing healthy habits they can take with them through their yoga journey.

Boat – Navasana

Boat Pose

Navasana, also known as Boat Yoga Pose, is a great way to encourage your body to burn calories and reduce weight. By strengthening your core muscles, Navasana puts the body in an ideal position that helps weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Since this Yoga pose adjusts itself according to your basic Yoga level – beginner or advanced – it can be practiced regularly for maximum results. Each session should include several sets of Boat Yoga Pose for about 30-60 seconds each set. It requires you to use abdominal strength as well as control your breath throughout the duration of the pose; since consistent movements help fruits faster results when used along with other forms of Yoga practice, Navasana can be essential to achieving lasting weight loss.

How to do Boat Pose

To do Navasana, begin by sitting with your legs extended in front of you and your feet kept together. Next, lean back slightly on an incline while keeping your spine straight, wrap your arms around the outside of your knees, and engage your core to lift both feet off the floor. Aim to hold this pose steadily for at least thirty seconds, if not longer depending on personal preference. As a beginner’s Yoga pose specifically designed to target areas prone to excess weight gain such as the abdominal area, Navasana is an ideal Yoga posture to add into any fitness plan!

Boat Pose Modifications for Beginners

Fortunately, there are modifications that newcomers can use to help them reach a full boat pose more slowly and with more control. One example of an easier modification is slowly leaning forward with straight arms while keeping legs raised before returning back to the starting position. Another technique is alternating two lifts on each side – one up and one down – instead of both legs up at the same time. With practice, even complete beginners can eventually reach their goal of achieving Navasana or modified versions thereof.

Plank – Kumbhakasana

Plank Pose

The Plank, or Kumbhakasana, Yoga pose can be an effective way to lose weight. This powerful Yoga pose requires holding your body in a stable and strong position while engaging both the arms and legs muscles. By doing this Yoga exercise regularly, you will be able to engage your core and burn fat. Not only is the Plank Yoga pose great for weight loss, but it can also increase flexibility and build strength over time. Plus, this Yoga posture is safe for all skill levels; if done properly with proper breathing techniques, it can stimulate the organs of the abdomen and reduce stress thereby improving overall wellbeing. Incorporating this Yoga practice into your daily routine will not only help you reach your desired weight goals but also improve physical health and mental wellbeing.

How to do Plank Pose

Start on your hands and knees with your palms flattened down onto the floor. Step each foot backward until your body is in a straight line from head to toe. Be sure to tuck your belly in towards your spine while tightening all of the muscles in your body throughout the entire hold. Hold this position for 30 seconds, breathing deeply and keeping your gaze forward. Doing this powerful yet simple yoga pose every day can help provide an increased metabolism boost that encourages weight loss along with additional strength and stability-building benefits!

Plank Pose Modifications for Beginners

If you are a Yoga beginner, this pose is still accessible but you should make sure to modify it to suit your pace and strengthen the core gradually. You can start by holding the pose for short periods of time, even as low as 5 seconds. As you progress, slowly increase the minutes and reps till you can hold the planks for extended periods of time and eventually set a goal target. Remember to focus on breathing deeply and steadily while keeping the right posture which will help alleviate pressure from your shoulders. With practice and patience, this Yoga pose can be mastered while aiding in weight loss objectives!

Importance of Combining Yoga with other Practices

Incorporating yoga into your regular workout routine is a great way to maximize its benefits in your weight loss journey. Yoga can help increase flexibility, build strength, improve balance and reduce stress. It’s important to remember if you want to reach your weight loss goals—you should also focus on eating a balanced diet and doing other types of exercises such as power walking or weightlifting. By combining yoga with other workouts, you can create an effective routine that will help you achieve your desired results.


Yoga is a great way to begin your weight loss journey. Not only is yoga a great form of exercise that can help you build strength and flexibility, but it can also help to reduce stress which is one of the factors for us to gain weight in the first place. By following the 8 yoga poses for weight loss outlined in this post and combining yoga with meditation, breath work, and a balanced diet you’ll be well on your way to reaching your weight loss goals.

Jola is a co-founder of YolaYoga, a certified yoga teacher, and a passionate practitioner of yoga for over 20 years. She specializes in therapeutic yoga for students with brain injuries. She loves sharing the wisdom of yoga with clients and assisting them on their journey to recovery, healing, and peace. If you want to schedule a yoga session contact her here.

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