15 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress and Anxiety
How to Relieve Anxiety and Stress – Yogic Breathwork Techniques

By Jola @YolaYoga | February 11, 2021
Most of us experience some level of stress and anxiety. If you do, too, I have good news: you are already equipped with the simple anxiety-relief system – Breathing!
I was introduced to breathing exercises (pranayama) at my yoga training 10 years ago. I was amazed by how simple but powerful these ancient methods are. Since my training, I have been using these techniques daily to relieve anxiety and stress.
During my training, I learned that the mind is connected with the breath. Our emotions and thoughts affect our breathing patterns and, conversely, the way we breathe influences our emotional and mental states. Breath and mind are intertwined!
It’s easy to test this. The next time you feel stressed, notice how shallow and fast your breathing becomes. When you start breathing slowly and deeply, though, your anxious mind becomes calmer. It isn’t magic—but it works like it is!

This article explains:
- What breathwork is (Pranayama)
- The benefits of breathwork
- How to reduce stress and anxiety using breathwork techniques
What Is Breathwork (Pranayama)?
Breathwork is controlled and conscious breathing meant to achieve relaxation, prepare for meditation, or for therapeutic purposes. Breathing exercises play a crucial role in Yoga – a 5,000-year-old physical and philosophical discipline from India. They purify the body and mind and prepare us for meditation. They also have very positive effects on our health.
What Are the Health Benefits of Breathwork
Multiple studies have proven that breathwork has tremendous health benefits. It can
- Reduce stress and anxiety levels
- Counter negative thoughts
- Heal emotional pain and trauma
- Increase joy and happiness
- Boost immunity
As is outlined in yoga teachings (Breath of Life, by Swami Satchidananda), breathwork helps to purify the body and calm the mind. Regular breathing exercises can eliminate toxins from our bodies, help cure asthma, produce lightness in the body and alertness in the mind, improve our appetites and aid our digestion, and lead to sounder sleep.
How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety with Breathwork Techniques
Yogic Deep Breathing
This technique incorporates three levels of breathing: from the diaphragm, through the chest, and up to the collarbones, utilizing the lungs’ full capacity. The three parts of breathing flow from one to the next, manifesting as one complete, deep breath. Count in your mind to 4 as you inhale, and to 8 while exhaling.
- Sit straight up in a chair or in a cross-legged position on the floor. Keep your spine elevated. You can also lie down on your back. Breathe only through your nose.
- To begin, exhale slowly through your nose. At the end of the exhalation, pull your abdomen slightly towards your spine.
- Begin inhalation by slowly releasing your abdomen and allowing it to expand. Continue as you expand your rib cage and upper chest until your collarbone rises slightly.
- To exhale, drop your collarbones and chest and pull your abdomen in.
- Do 10 deep breaths and then return to your regular breathing. Repeat 3 times.
Alternate Nostril Breathing – Ultimate Breathing that Relieves Anxiety and Stress
This is a second powerful method of alleviating stress and anxiety. After just a few breaths you should notice that your mind has become calmer and at peace. If at any point you feel that you are agitated by this practice, just come back to normal breathing. Practicing Alternate Nostril Breathing is safe for most people. But if you have a medical condition such as asthma, COPD, or any other lung or heart concern, talk to your doctor before embarking on this practice.

For this practice, it is recommended that you position your hand as seen in the image above to easily cover and uncover your nostrils with your thumb and ring finger.

Then continue by following these instructions:
- Sit straight up in a chair or cross-legged on the floor. Keep your spine straight and elevated. Breathe only through your nose.
- With your right thumb cover your right nostril and inhale through your left nostril, counting to 4 in your mind.
- Pause and release the thumb. Then cover and seal your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through your right nostril, counting in your mind to 8.
- Inhale through your right nostril, counting to 4.
- Pause and release the ring finger, then cover your right nostril with your thumb and exhale through your left nostril, counting in your mind to 8.
- Inhale through your left nostril, counting to 4, and repeat.
- Continue this manner of breathing for 3 to 5 minutes.
You can reduce stress and relieve anxiety with these simple but powerful breathing techniques ancient sages have used for thousands of years. These breathing exercises have proven to be very beneficial for health. Please try them on a daily basis for a time and let me know in the comments below how they are affecting your quality of life!
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