Practice Non-Stealing (Asteya) and Be Always Materially Secure

By Jola @YolaYoga | September 15, 2022
Asteya is one of the Yamas, or moral principles, in yoga philosophy. It is the principle of non-stealing. This may seem like a simple concept, but it is actually quite profound. Asteya is about more than just not stealing material possessions; it is about not stealing anything, including energy and time. In this article, we will explore the definition of Asteya, why it is important, and how to apply it in your life. We will also look at some examples of Asteya in action and discuss the benefits of practicing this Yama.
The Definition of Asteya
The word Asteya is derived from the Sanskrit root stey, which means “to steal.” Asteya, then, is the practice of non-stealing. This includes not stealing material possessions, but also things like energy and time. When we steal someone’s time, we are taking something that does not belong to us. We are also stealing their energy when we do things like gossip or spread rumors about them.
The Benefits of Practicing Asteya
There are many benefits to practicing Asteya. When we live in accordance with this Yama, we develop a deeper sense of respect for others. We also cultivate a more contented mindset and become less attached to material possessions. Asteya helps us to live more simply and peacefully. When we practice Asteya, we are less likely to take advantage of someone or hurt them in any way. This Yama also helps us to develop a sense of contentment with what we have. We are less likely to feel jealous or resentful of others when we practice Asteya.
Another important benefit or siddhi (power) gained when you genuinely practice this principle is that you are promised to never worry about material things. When you live according to this principle the universe will provide for you what you need. Everything will just come to you. This is promised by yogis and it is sworn by many people who practice Asteya! So if you would like to never have problems with material needs you just need to be very honest and genuinely practice nonstealing.
How to Apply Asteya in Your Life
To apply Asteya in our daily life requires an understanding of nonstealing. To not steal means to not commit theft.
There are 4 kinds of theft that we need to avoid:
- Physical theft – literally taking something from someone physically that doesn’t belong to us.
- Mental theft – stealing something mentally and committing the theft in our minds. Even if we did not commit physical theft still our minds would be affected negatively.
- Not giving back what is due to others. For example, if we go to an event that costs an entrance fee but we are there for free. Or having a train ticket for economy class but sitting in business class.
- Giving less than what is due for the service or goods. For example, we got service done in our house and we find ways to pay less for that service.
Examples of Asteya in Action
- Asteya can be practiced by being generous with your time and energy. Offer to help someone when they are struggling. Give them your time and attention.
- Never be afraid of your financial state. Have faith that if you will practice Asteya principle the universe will take care of your financial needs.
- Donate at least 2% of your income to charities that uplift humanity – helping the poor, educating not privileged, or for the spiritual elevation of humanity.
- Do not commit physical and mental theft. Never ever even think that you will not give back what you owe to someone.
- Avoid gossiping and speaking ill of others.
- Always give back if you borrowed something.
- Avoid invitations to events that may be free but really are not. Do your research and pay or donate money for a service or goods that you use.
- Always pay the price for goods or services that were agreed upon.
- Be mindful of how you use your time and energy. Make sure that you are not taking more than you need.
- Never be late for meetings or appointments either with your friends, family, or clients. You may be stealing time and energy from them. And this could be priceless.
So these are the ways we can practice Asteya in our lives. By being mindful of how we use our time and energy, being honest in our interactions with others, being generous with our time and energy, and by avoiding physical and mental theft.
When we practice Asteya, we develop a deeper sense of respect for ourselves and others. We become more mindful of our actions and their consequences. We also develop a greater sense of abundance, knowing that there is enough for everyone. The benefits of practicing Asteya are many, but ultimately it leads to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.