15-Minute Yoga Routine For Beginners To Help Relieve Back Pain

By Jola @YolaYoga | March 11, 2023
Back pain is a common problem that affects many people, and yoga has been shown to be an effective tool in helping to reduce discomfort and improve mobility. This 15-minute yoga routine for beginners provides quick back pain relief and promotes relaxation. In this post, we’ll look at yoga poses to help relieve back pain and how to tailor them to individual needs.
Blog Outline:
- Introduction
- Child’s Pose
- Cat-Cow Pose
- Downward Dog Pose
- Bridge Pose
- Seated Forward Fold
- Reclined Twist
- Corpse Pose
- Tips for Tailoring the Routine to Individual Needs
- Conclusion
15-Minute Yoga Routine For Beginners To Relieve Back Pain:
Child Pose – Balasana

This yoga pose stretches and releases tension in the lower back, hips, and legs. To begin, start on your hands and knees with your hands directly below your shoulders. Gently lower your hips to the ground behind you and reach forward with your arms in front of you as far as possible, ensuring that you keep your hips and buttocks on the floor. Hold this pose for 30 seconds before releasing.
Modifications: If it is difficult to sit back on your heels, place a rolled towel or blanket under the ankles and sit on that. You can also place a cushion or bolster under your thighs, chest, and forehead to create better support.
Cow / Cat Pose – Viralasana

This yoga pose helps to gently massage your back and spine. To begin, start on your hands and knees with your palms beneath your shoulders. Lift your chin slightly, drop your belly towards the floor, and lift the middle of your back up towards the ceiling to create a gentle arch in the spine. This is the Cow pose. Reverse the position by tucking your chin towards your chest and rounding your spine up towards the ceiling. This is the Cat pose. Repeat this motion for 30 seconds.
Downward Facing Dog Pose – Adho Mukha Svanasana

This yoga pose is great for stretching out the back, shoulders, and hamstrings. To begin, start on your hands and knees with palms beneath your shoulders and your knees directly below the hips. Gently lift your hips towards the ceiling to create an inverted V shape with your body, ensuring that you keep a slight bend in your knees and that your heels are pressing into the floor. Hold this pose for 30 seconds before releasing.
Bridge Pose – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

This yoga pose helps to stretch out the back and hip muscles. To begin, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently lift your hips off the ground towards the ceiling as high as you can, pressing into your feet to help support you. Hold this pose for 30 seconds before releasing.
Seated Forward Fold Pose – Pascimotanasana

This yoga pose helps to stretch out the back and hamstrings. To begin, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Gently fold forward from your hips, allowing your arms to reach towards the ground and keeping a slight bend in your knees. Hold this pose for 30 seconds before releasing.
Reclined Twist Pose – Jathara Parivartanasana

This yoga pose helps to release tension in the back and hips. To begin, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently drop both of your knees to one side and turn your head in the opposite direction. Hold this pose for 30 seconds before releasing.
Corpse – Savasana

This yoga pose helps promote relaxation and relieve stress. To begin, lie down on your back with your arms at your side and legs slightly apart. Close your eyes and focus on breathing deeply for up to two minutes before releasing.
Tips for Tailoring the Routine to Individual Needs:
– Listen to your body – yoga is meant to be a practice of mindfulness, and it’s important to pay attention to any discomfort or pain that you may be experiencing.
– Move slowly and deliberately – the goal is not to rush through poses, but rather to move with intention.
– Start small – yoga can become increasingly challenging as your strength and flexibility improve, so it’s important to start with poses that are appropriate for your skill level.
This yoga routine is designed to help ease back pain and promote relaxation, but it’s important to listen to your body and adjust the poses accordingly. With regular practice and an open mind, yoga can be a great tool for managing pain and stress in the long term.
Check out this blog post for additional information about yoga for back pain relief.
Jola is a co-founder of YolaYoga, a certified yoga teacher, and a passionate practitioner of yoga for over 20 years. She specializes in therapeutic yoga for students with brain injuries. She loves sharing the wisdom of yoga with clients and assisting them on their journey to recovery, healing, and peace. If you want to schedule a yoga session contact her here.